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Blue colored...dogs?

This February, a pack of blue dogs, yes that’s right, blue dogs were found in eastern Russia. They were found near the abandoned Dzerzhinsk Orgsteklo chemical plant, which used to produce highly toxic substances that are commonly used in blue dye. This is what scientists believe made the dogs and their excrement blue. But there are concerns that a toxic chemical like copper sulfate has caused this color.

On February 13th, the dogs were brought to a vets' clinic to take blood and feces samples to check the health of the dogs, and it’s been confirmed that the dogs are physically completely healthy.

Moreover, some green dogs have been found! They were roaming around an abandoned warehouse that stored sacks of powdered green paint. There are two theories about this finding. Some think they may have been purposely painted green by people who saw the popularity that the blue dogs had and tried to make a joke. Others speculate they might have rolled around in the snow that had some of the paint on it.

But that’s not all, even pink dogs were found. However, there's still no explanation as to why these dogs are pink yet.

Dog Rainbow: Blue, green, and pink colored dogs started to show up in Russia


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